Happiness is the only sanction of life; where happiness fails, existence remains a mad and lamentable experiment.
Tag: George Santayana
Fanaticism consists in redoubling your effort when you have forgotten your aim.
The young man who has not wept is a savage, and the old man who will not laugh is a fool.
Those who speak most of progress measure it by quantity and not by quality.
Advertising is the modern substitute for argument; its function is to make the worse appear the better.
Music is essentially useless, as life is.
Progress, far from consisting in change, depends on retentiveness. When change is absolute there remains no being to improve and no direction is set for possible improvement: and when experience is not retained, as among savages, infancy is perpetual. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.