The bottom line is that (a) people are never perfect, but love can be, (b) that is the one and only way that the mediocre and vile can be transformed, and (c) doing that makes it that. We waste time looking for the perfect lover, instead of creating the perfect
Tag: Tom Robbins
Disbelief in magic can force a poor soul into believing in government and business.
There are many things worth living for, there are a few things worth dying for, but there is nothing worth killing for.
Using words to describe magic is like using a screwdriver to cut roast beef.
Its never too late to have a happy childhood.
Maybe most people were fundamentally contradictory. The real people at any rate.
There exists a false aristocracy based on family name, property, and inherited wealth. But there likewise exists a true aristocracy based on intelligence, talent and virtue.
Meditation… disolves the mind. It erases itself. Throws the ego out on its big brittle ass.